Games Workshop
Set in the distant future, a stagnant human civilization is beset by hostile aliens and supernatural creatures. These science-fiction models of the game are a mixture of humans, aliens and supernatural monsters wielding futuristic weaponry and supernatural powers to dominate and survive.
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Dark Angels
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- Black Templars
- Blood Angels
- Chaos Knights
- Chaos SpaceMarines
- Custodes
- Dark Angels
- DarkEldar
- Death Guard
- Eldar
- Genestealer Cults
- Imperial Fists
- Imperial Guard
- Imperial Knights
- Inquisition
- Iron Hands
- Leagues of Votann
- Necrons
- Orks
- Raven Guard
- Salamanders
- Sisters of Battle
- Space Marines
- Space Wolves
- Tau
- Thousand Sons
- Tyranid
- Ultramarines
- White Scars
- World Eaters